Support us with a donation
As you are probably aware, DjangoCon Africa is entirely run by volunteers, on a non-profit basis.
We need to raise funds to support the attendance of speakers and other attendees whose own financial resources will not stretch to the covering the cost of international travel without facing hardship.
The economics of an event such as this are an enormous challenge, as we strive to provide a high-quality conference experience, while carefully balancing the way we spend our limited funds, and making this an inclusive event.
All the funds we raise for this purpose will be used specifically to provide financial assistance - every amount we receive, however small, will directly help a traveller get to DjangoCon Africa.
So far we have raised:
If you’d like to support DjangoCon Africa but are not able to commit to a formal sponsorship package, we invite you to support us through our GoFundMe campaign: DjangoCon Africa financial assistance fund.
Or if it’s easier, you can make a direct bank transfer to:
The name of the account holder of all the accounts is: Daniele Procida.
For transparency, we are publishing an anonymised record of all donations. For privacy, we will not mention the names of donors unless requested, but we’d be really happy to list you - please email us in that case.
All funds will be accounted for in our post-conference report.
However you send it, every single penny that we receive in donations will be used to assist travellers on low budgets.